Major landmark - its only one measurement - repeated 3 times though just to be sure.
149 pounds - so my "change my life saga" starting in 2007 hits a total loss of 90 pounds.
I have briefly been around this weight once before but I felt awful and I think for some reason (this was way before I knew about ED) my body itself or my sub conscious mind coerced by body in to rebellion and my weight bounced back.
This time round I have a way better handle on things and have much better muscle tone and core strength so it just seems I have found, with Dax's inspiration and MAP's various elements a way to put me in charge of my body. Also I have had the support of the great MAP crew.
I have also decided to keep the techie stuff separate from the weight now fat loss journey. Still don't expect too much touchy feely content because it is the internet and I'm a guy and I'm british and new to blogging - but I didn't really have a reason to blog previously so give me time!
Anyway blogger does not do categories but you can alter the date of the posts. So using the calendar gizmo you can easily refer to April where the techie graph posts are now located.
This means the casual user will just see the weight / MAP blog material.
If you like the techie stuff the
graph is here @
If this does not make sense just comment of email me at
30dayfatloss # AT # gmail # DOT # com