Monday, July 19, 2010

Mon, 19-Jul-2010; 12 days since MAP; 18 SPQ30 days remain

No great difference in the pictures and the evening weight and body fat measurements are for completeness only as the regular "weigh in" time is morning.

Experience has shown that weight after a run is attainable as a sustainable value if good nutrition and exercise regime is maintained - sometimes with 7 to 10 days.

The reduced body fat figure might be more to do with different water distribution or hydration levels. Whatever the cause of the difference the lower body fat reading after exercise does not last ;-(

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chris,

    I would think - and just a guess here - that the exercise has more to do with losing weight and there is also the aspect of muscle coming into the picture - something that is much heavier than fat - but something that comes into play with all the exercise that you have been doing. Might that be a part of the equation?


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