Saturday, April 17, 2010

Major milestone in the long journey

Major landmark - its only one measurement - repeated 3 times though just to be sure.

149 pounds - so my "change my life saga" starting in 2007 hits a total loss of 90 pounds.

I have briefly been around this weight once before but I felt awful and I think for some reason (this was way before I knew about ED) my body itself or my sub conscious mind coerced by body in to rebellion and my weight bounced back.

This time round I have a way better handle on things and have much better muscle tone and core strength so it just seems I have found, with Dax's inspiration and MAP's various elements a way to put me in charge of my body. Also I have had the support of the great MAP crew.

(This post is copied into the main blog area too)

Friday, April 16, 2010 Graph

Thankfully the reading has dropped a touch as I was about to run out of averaging power.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

This graph shows the daily weight readings have nearly caught up with the trend. In this instance the focus is actual now body fat so providing the body fat trend does not increase a static or slightly increased total body weight is OK.

In fact some body circumference and skin fold measurements might be helpful to backup the story told by the pictures.

The public profile is here:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

30dayfatloss public graph on is not a weight loss technique you still need Dax for that this is a way of making sense of weight measurements. A whole bunch of self confessed geeks (hackers in the purist sense - (if you think hackers are bad they are called crackers)) created a number of tools to see the trends within the data.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tue, 13-Jul-2010; 6 days since MAP; 24 SPQ days remain

This graph shows actual weight on the bottom of the graph and the average weight and weight change etc.

It takes a bit of getting used to and is disappointing when you are not "credited" with a big loss.

BUT in the long term loss - maintenance etc a single day's change really mean nothing.

You have to look at the long term and the trend line.

Likewise when you do have an upward red spike they are awful to see but they too are also cushioned by the averaging effect too.
Thirtyday Fatloss

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